Happiness, you come to me! I shall wait!

Firstly I would like to thank Ruchi and Dipika for giving me this opportunity to take part in the #SpeakEasyBloggingChallange. Here is my take on the term Happiness. Hope you all like it. If you do, please Like, Share, and Comment down below.

Coming back to the topic,

The idea of happiness is different for everyone. But here are a few points that I would like to stress upon. Guys, continue reading I am sure you will like it.

Starting with this quote:

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”― Albert Camus

Allow the life to flow: 

As we ‘look’ for happiness we would often get disappointed with the small idea of ‘what happiness is for you then.’ We should let life going in a ‘flow state’ by being busy and occupied with the things/activates that matter.

We often stick to one event that has not worked our way and would lose our concentration as well as interest in performing other important tasks. This would make us less motivated and disappointed. It is to remember that our opinion about ‘Happiness’ changes from time to time!

Hence, instead of searching for happiness like everywhere, let the life flow!

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

  • Happiness is not always about yourself:

I strongly agree with this quote. Life is not about being selfish or constantly chasing things that you want. But when you pause and think for a while of your family/your partner/children anyone you like, for that matter. You would be willing to do anything for them. (Yes, of course, something which is in your limits)

Let us assume, that you got your dream job away from your hometown (Yes you worked hard and deserve the success) but same time you would be sad for going far from them. And your family would be happy for you have to get what you wanted or worked hard for. This is when you realize that despite your loved one being sad for you going far from them, they are happy for you! “Happiness is not always alone

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.― Dalai Lama XIV

  • Don’t limit your idea of happiness over life events:

When you try to overestimate happiness over whatever is happening in your life, leads to disappointment. Sometimes, you often don’t get what we wanted and start rejecting things that have not worked your way. You would put in fewer efforts to understand or like because it was not something that you wanted. But as they say, everything happens for a reason! Yes maybe! You would eventually start adapting, accepting, and liking things or challenges life throws at you!

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”― Abraham Lincoln

  • State of mind that matters:

Nobody’s life is perfect! We all have our shares of ups and downs. And when sometimes things don’t work your way, you would be disappointed. Yes, agreed. But the question is how long are you going to be like that..?!

Life is way beyond that one particular life event that has made you disappointed. This is why a state of mind matters. It is You who would decide whether to be sad and constantly think over what has happened or would you rather let it go and get on with life, doing things that would serve the purpose!

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.― Mahatma Gandhi

  • Having memories that bring you joy:

Memories always bring you joy no matter where you are and what are you up to. People who you like will always bring a smile on your face. Memories are something that would pull you out from any situation that you are in. Memories are the ultimate happiness. Having good memories is the ultimate reaction to how you be with people. When you think good, say good, and do good, people would always be there for you!

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
  • Happiness is also in achieving small little things:

I, you, everyone! Dream big. Yes, the ultimate goal is to dream big and work towards achieving it. But happiness also includes small little things that we often ignore or don’t appreciate as much as it should be. Those things matter a lot.

Achieving big is something that would take time, need consistency and dedication. But same time, we all must be having small things that we have accomplished in day to day life, which needs to be acknowledged. For instance, let’s say for me, having a blog post published at a said time or number of blog posts that I wanted to publish in a week, having to fit into an old outfit (I’m sure most of you all would agree), doing everything on your to-do list, having your day pass on without your child’s tantrums (which is rare, though) and so on…

Sometimes it is better we shift away from our thoughts about happiness and work on things, people, or relationships that would ultimately bring happiness to you!

So, instead of constantly searching for happiness ‘let the life flow’ and always remember the fact that ‘happiness is not always about you’ don’t make the mistake of ‘limiting your ideas about happiness over life events.’ It is always said that you are what you think and it is ultimately ‘state of mind that matters. Having people around you who you love gets you to ‘having joyful memories that would bring happiness.’ And lastly, happiness is not always about having a big house, cars, or properties but ‘happiness is also in achieving small little things.’

This blog post is written for #SpeakEasyChallangeforRuchiNDips  


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60 thoughts on “Happiness, you come to me! I shall wait!

  1. Very well articulated. I really like your way of thinking and the way you have decoded happiness in your post. It’s true and I agree with you that instead of searching for happiness we should let life flow and take its course.


  2. I also go back to my old memories for uplifting my mood and finding reason for being happy. Also I find happiness from small achievements.


  3. Lovely post. Completely agree and I try to practice the same . Life will give us a blend of happy and tough moments but how we stay strong and learn to handle them make us whole are and what we want from our life. Going with the flow is the best thing. Giving our best shot is the best practice.


  4. Yes, I do agree that happiness is a state of mind. Good memories bring happiness and bad memories sadness. It’s apt to act with the flow of life. Your post is very intellectual I really enjoyed reading it.


      1. When you are in blogging world it’s quite obvious to see more and more mutual blogging but I would like to say write your heart out this way always because this is all we writers love to do. Thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I completely agree with you! Sometimes, we should just enjoy the flow of life. Afterall, its just one life one has got and we ought to stay happy! If the people we love are happy, we are happy too!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow such a beautiful post and thanks a lot for such an important reminder that do not limit happiness to our own life events and big achievements. having a broad perspective is must to feel content and satisfied. and it is also important to live in the moment and enjoy sweet tiny moment of life and togetherness.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Loved the post, Sadvika. You peeled out the layers we surround ourselves and expect happiness to reach. The quotes and assimilation of words are beautifully done. Reading the post brought serenity upon me.


  8. Thought provoking post. I also believe there is no point chasing a big happiness and miss many small happy moments during the journey. The destination might or might not be as desired but making the journey beautiful is in our hands.


  9. Well written blog, I absolutely loved reading this. Revisiting memories is something I enjoy too, especially with pictures clicked at that moment. Happiness is indeed a state of mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. True it’s our action that define happiness for us. Dwelling in the past never helps and little joy makes our lives beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I too strongly believe that real happiness lies in small things sadly we humans spend all our life looking it in big materialistic things, you have well decoded the thoughts of happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sadvika, you have a lovely name and so are your thoughts. I also believe that happiness can be found in simple little things and you don’t have to wait for big changes to happen.


  13. Celebrating small things is really a magical trick towards happiness. And yes I really wonder how we become unhappy for long over a single event. A nice light read.


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