A Journey that makes You Happy.

This phase is different for everyone. Being Happy is the only way out for us to live the moment and to go with the flow. As my previous blog post was about “Happiness” which was for a Blogging Challenge.

  • In which I discussed,
  • Go with the Flow
  • Happiness is not always about you.
  • Don’t limit your idea about happiness over life events.
  • State of mind that matters.
  • Happiness is also in achieving small things.

You can read the full article about “Happiness, you come to me… I shall wait”

Well, in this blog post I would like to give my take on “A journey that makes you happy”

I, a Mother, like most of you all out there have our shares of responsibilities and on a journey to fulfill family’s needs we often tend to forget what we want.

I am not saying that this is a bad thing or something that we need to change. No!! Family needs us more. But at the same time, this Motherhood journey is also about doing something that makes you happy too.

Hey Mom, don’t be so busy that you lose yourself in it!Tweet

Motherhood is Tough or I would rather say, Parenthood is tough for that matter. Both the parents have their shares of responsibilities. And most of the mothers would give up her dreams, ambitions, and goals just to be with the baby. I wouldn’t term this as a good thing or a bad thing. It is just acting according to your family situations.

Here I would like to share my own experience on how blogging became my sole goal to achieve. I am a busy momma of a toddler and a preschooler. And they kept me busy for almost 4 and a half years. But one day it all started with a SpeakEasyBloggingChallange that I have taken part in and wrote about Happiness… You come to me, I shall wait.

I just loved the response that I got for it and then I started taking up seriously. It was like a little push up for me. And then to top it off, I got featured in Feedspot website, as Top 100 Mom Lifestyle Blogs and Websites for Moms to follow in 2020. My blog post about Happiness was Ranked 32,

This has a team of 25 expert bloggers to check and discover popular blogs, videos, or podcasts in various niches. There are various reasons that the ranking is based upon. I am so great full and happy that this has happened.

The only purpose for this blog post is to convey a little message to fellow moms with a bit of personal experience is,

  1. It is OK to take time off when you have kids.
  2. It is OK to go to work after you have kids.
  3. It is OK to have goals.
  4. It is OK to dream and be ambitious.
  5. It is OK to be home after kids.
  6. It is OK not to be home after kids.

What so ever it may be, it is just You, Your Family, and Kids that would matter. Give yourself time and for things to settle down. And you could choose something that would make you happy. This is my Journey that makes me Happy.Sadvika Kylash

Hope this little write up gave you that little push if you needed it. Be the important person in your journey that makes you Happy!

See you next time.


Sadvika Kylash.


23 thoughts on “A Journey that makes You Happy.

  1. I completely agree with your blog post however there are very few women who think this way. I have seen mothers raising their BP and undergoing terrible guilt because they got 15 minutes late to serve their kids food. Glad you wrote this post. Hopefully it will inspire women to love themselves more and experience true happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. !00% agreed to your words… It is OK to dream and be worried about your ambition, however, not every mother gets family support to do that… Still, to be happy you have choose that path which can bring happiness. Lovely blog post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations that your blog rank on topbloggers on feed spot. It really gives more confident when our work get recognition.
    I saw many mommies life after kids is just feeding n taking care of them. I hope your article inspire such mommies.
    Lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow so happy for you. And many congratulations for being recognized for your happiness blog post. I agree being a mom life is filled with multiple responsibility. And we have to learn way to make a balance.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. When I was a new mom I use to get worked up for everything related to my kids n home… but gradually I started taking things slowly and realised to prioritize myself aswell n take of myself too

    Liked by 1 person

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